
Course Description

Supply Management is the process of managing flows of goods, services, knowledge and resulting finances into the organization. The goal of this course is to explore the procurement process and how it fits into Supply Management.

The procurement process extends well beyond the boundaries of the procurement department. For instance, senior management may be heavily involved in selecting supply partners. Similarly, design departments will be heavily involved in choosing key technologies, which will have significant implications in selecting suppliers. However, in most organizations, the procurement department plays an integral role in all major procurement activities, in either a lead or supporting role.

You will be introduced to the tactical aspects of procurement. This course will provide information and techniques to allow junior to intermediate procurement staff to work more effectively. For those not currently working in a procurement role, the course will help you prepare for one, or allow you to work more effectively with procurement staff.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Lecture - Online Synchronous
6:00PM to 9:00PM
Jan 08, 2025 to Apr 02, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee non-credit $735.00
Reading List / Textbook

Course Materials:

This course has required course materials for purchase. Please check SAIT Bookstore. Take note of their return policy. 

Section Notes

Before Course Start – Campus Access:

If you have any questions, contact conedadvising@sait.ca.   

There are no prerequisites for this course.


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