
Course Description

The world of media and entertainment (MET) is dominated by images and video. Knowing and understanding the language, concepts, principles and technology of video imaging, recording and playout will set you up for success in every field of MET. 

In this course, you’ll explore video, starting with compression standards, when and why they’re used, their quality and production flows. You’ll investigate ultra high-definition television specifications, benefits and challenges. You'll also examine the current state of IP networks and specifically Studio Voice Over IP in the broadcast industry. You'll take a look at the optical technology of cameras, their features, components, requirements and the role and function of time codes in clock, editing and automation systems. Finally, you’ll learn about video servers, streaming and delivering video content over the internet.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
•    identify and compare different video compression standards
•    identify specifications, encoding standards and challenges related to UHD TV
•    describe the current state of Studio Video Over IP (SVIP) in the broadcast industry and basic concepts related to an IP network
•    define terms, components and requirements of camera optical technology
•    explain the basic operations and workflows of imaging
•    describe the function (requirement) of each block of a typical camera system
•    explain the role, function and application of time code
•    describe basic digital video processes and related concepts
•    discuss hardware and file parameters to support video servers
•    identify and compare different video streaming formats and technologies.


The prerequisite for this course is MMDA 001.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Video Imaging Recording and Playout
Lecture - Online Asynchronous
Apr 14, 2025 to Jun 22, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee non-credit $1,010.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes


MMDA 001 is a mandatory requirement for this course. If you have completed this requirement at a school other than SAIT, email your proof of completion documents to conedadvising@sait.ca at least one week prior to the course start.

Read the Course Start Instructions email that was emailed to you when you registered for this course. It provides important course details and steps that must be taken prior to your course starting.  

If you have additional questions, contact Advising at conedadvising@sait.ca 

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