Take the next step towards your desired career with a custom roadmap designed to help you meet your goals through SAIT's My Career PathwaysTM tool. This free, self-serve portal categorizes your existing skills and experience to create a personalized profile, identify gaps in your skillset and provide recommended courses and training options to support your career development.

My Career PathwaysTM is supported by TD Bank and the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund (OCIF).

Upload your resume

Screen shot of Resume Extraction

Create an inventory of your skills

screen shot of profile page

Chart a path to achieve your desired career

Screen shot of My Career Pathways career path explorer
"My Career PathwaysTM benefits anybody. It could be someone who’s been in the workforce for three to five years. It could be someone who’s been in the workforce for 25 years. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you have some real-life work experience. My Career PathwaysTM is for you.

Sara Struthers
Manager, Career Support & Community Engagement, SAIT Continuing Education

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