Develop your Third-Class foundation and expand your knowledge of high and low-pressure boiler operations, water treatment systems, pump operations, controls and instrumentation, air conditioning and refrigeration, checking and maintaining equipment, monitoring plant operations and safety.
Several training and experience combinations can satisfy the requirement for the ABSA Certificate of Competency. If you have completed the courses listed below and are employed in specific capacities in specific types of power plants as outlined by ABSA, you may be granted six months credit towards 12 months’ operating experience requirements by ABSA.
You can take Third Class after the successful completion of Fourth Class.
Third Class can be taken after the successful completion of Fourth Class.
For more information regarding certification regulations, go to the Alberta Boilers Safety Association website or visit sopeec.org
This program is eligible for funding through the Canada Alberta Job Grant (CAJG).
Career Opportunities
Upon graduating this course, you will be prepared for a role as an individual responsible for the maintenance and monitoring of a 3rd class plant. These include, yet are not limited to, the oil industry, pulp and paper mills, hospitals, schools, food manufacturers and more. The following tool shows the Job Market Outlook in some of these occupational groups. You can use the knowledge learned in this certificate as the stepping stone into one of these career paths.