
Course Description

Feel confident taking your next step. Our Guaranteed to Run promise means you don’t need to worry about cancellations — so you can focus on levelling up your career.

Getting ready to write the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam and want to ace it?

This 35-hour PMI exam prep course delivered by SAIT, along with any past project management training and on-the-job project management experience you may have, will give you the best chance of success. As a PMI Authorized Training Partner (ATP), SAIT meets PMI-established quality assurance criteria and our PROJ-120 instructors are authorized to teach PMP® Exam preparation. Our delivery of the course is reliably guaranteed-to-run, helping you plan your learning and when to write your certification exam.

Comprehensive and structured, the course covers five modules which take you into real-world scenarios representing various industries and project management situations to help you practice applying principles and concepts at work:

  • Lesson 1: Creating a High-Performing Team 
  • Lesson 2: Starting the Project 
  • Lesson 3: Doing the Work 
  • Lesson 4: Keeping Them on Track 
  • Lesson 5: Keeping the Business in Mind 

Enjoy prepping with a combination of virtual classes, independent online study and a one-on-one virtual coaching session. Your instructor will be there to support you as you work through engaging learning content and materials in the PMI’s e-learning platform, including chapter knowledge checks, checklists and PMP exam practice questions.

Bonus: We'll help you maximize your exam preparation and learning by giving you the opportunity to retake PROJ-120 up to two additional times at no cost. View the How to Register section below for more information.

Note: Registration for this course closes two days before the course start date.

This course is ideal if you:

  • are an aspiring or new project manager looking to formalize your knowledge and skills with a globally recognized credential
  • are an experienced project manager who wants PMP certification to advance in your career
  • want to use course hours toward education requirements or professional development units for the PMP® or CAPM® credentials

"PMI", "PMBOK", "CAPM", "PMP" are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:

  • build a team, define team ground rules, negotiate project agreements, empower and train team members, engage and support virtual teams and build shared understanding about the project
  • determine appropriate project methodology, methods and practices
  • plan and manage scope, budget, resources, schedule, quality of products, deliverables and project/phase closure
  • integrate project planning activities, plan and manage procurement and establish project governance
  • assess and manage risks, execute project to deliver business value, manage communications, engage stakeholders, create project artifacts, manage project changes and project issues and ensure knowledge transfer for project continuity
  • lead a team, support team performance, address and remove impediments, obstacles and blockers, manage conflict, collaborate with and mentor relevant stakeholders and apply emotional intelligence to promote team performance
  • manage compliance requirements, evaluate and deliver project benefits and value, evaluate and address internal and external business environment changes, support organizational change and employ continuous process improvement.

This course is informed by the PMP® Exam Content Outline. There are no formal assessments for this course. Attendance for the virtual sessions is required for an optimal learning experience. The virtual sessions will not be recorded.

To request a course outline, contact ConEdAdvising@sait.ca.

Funding Opportunities

Learn more about how to pay for or reduce your education/training costs with available awards, bursaries, loan options and grants, including the Canada Alberta Job Grant.

There are no specific admission requirements (academic and/or work experience) to take this course. Any industry-related experience you already have will be beneficial. To ensure success in this course, however, you should have experience with basic project management concepts and have some working experience with project management.  

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Delivery formats: For your convenience, we offer delivery of this course in a combination online synchronous (virtual) format with a self-directed online component. Learn more about our delivery formats.

Course completion: Upon successful completion of this non-credit course, you’ll receive an electronic SAIT-PMI branded statement of completion as well as an electronic copy of your official transcript. You’ll also be able to self-print a proof of completion document from your Continuing Education student account.

This course may be used toward educational prerequisites to attain PMI certifications or toward professional development units (PDUs) to maintain certifications:

  • Use the 35 training hours toward your education requirements for attaining the PMP® credential or Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain your designation.
  • If you have less than three years’ project management experience and are working toward your Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® credential, you may consider taking this course or our PROJ-020 Project Management Essentials course to meet the minimum 23 hours education requirement and to prepare for the (CAPM)® Exam. If you already have your designation, you can use the 35 training hours from this course toward PDUs.

Learn more about PMI certifications and the PMP® Exam certification process.

We recommend registering as soon as possible (7-14 days in advance of the course start date). Payment in full is required upon registration by Visa or Mastercard.

To self-serve register online:

Maximize your Exam Prep learning at no additional cost:

The PMP® Exam is challenging and it can take a few attempts to pass it. That’s why we’re offering you the opportunity to re-take PROJ-120 up to two times, at no additional cost. Here's how:

  1. Register and pay for PROJ-120. Complete the course.
  2. Once you’re ready (ideally within three months of course completion), apply and write the PMP® Exam with PMI.

If you’re unsuccessful:

  • in the first exam attempt, re-register and complete a new section of PROJ-120 at no cost.
  • in your second exam attempt, re-register and complete a new section of PROJ-120 again at no cost. Then write your third attempt of the exam.

Note: Once your application to PMI has been approved, you are granted a one-year eligibility period in which to write and pass the PMP® Exam. During the eligibility period, you may take the exam up to three times. Reexamination fees apply to the second and third attempts to pass the exam. After three attempts, you must wait one year from the date of the last exam you took to reapply for the certification.

Our PROJ-120 course does not include PMP® Exam fees nor the PMI membership fee (optional). Learn more about PMI’s PMP® Exam process and requirements.

Questions? Contact ConEdAdvising@sait.ca.

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Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
PMP Exam Prep
Lecture - Online Synchronous
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Mar 11, 2025 to Apr 01, 2025
Lecture - Online Synchronous
8:00AM to 12:00PM
Mar 15, 2025 to Apr 05, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee non-credit $1,850.00
Required Software
You will be provided with an access key for PMI’s e-learning platform, a Zoom link for virtual sessions and access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) platform for course announcements. Recommended Internet browsers: Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Required: internet access, functioning webcam and microphone.
Section Notes

This course comprises virtual instructor-led sessions (30 hours) and independent study (5 hours) and will be delivered virtually using Zoom, PMI e-learning platform & Brightspace(D2L). Zoom sessions run between Saturdays from 8:00am - 12:00pm and on Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

We encourage you to use your webcam and microphone to contribute to a more collaborative learning experience. 

Before or on Course Start:

You will:

  • have access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) on the course start date for announcements and as a record of your course.
  • receive a welcome email from your instructor including instructions to access a Zoom meeting.
  • receive an email from PMI with your access key and instructions on how to access the PMI CHOICE e-learning platform.

If you have questions, contact conedadvising@sait.ca

Section Title
PMP Exam Prep
Lecture - Online Synchronous
6:00PM to 8:00PM
May 20, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Lecture - Online Synchronous
8:00AM to 12:00PM
May 24, 2025 to Jun 14, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee non-credit $1,885.00
Required Software
You will be provided with an access key for PMI’s e-learning platform, a Zoom link for virtual sessions and access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) platform for course announcements. Recommended Internet browsers: Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Required: internet access, functioning webcam and microphone.
Section Notes

This course comprises virtual instructor-led sessions (30 hours) and independent study (5 hours) and will be delivered virtually using Zoom, PMI e-learning platform & Brightspace(D2L). Zoom sessions run between Saturdays from 8:00am - 12:00pm and on Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

We encourage you to use your webcam and microphone to contribute to a more collaborative learning experience. 

Before or on Course Start:

You will:

  • have access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) on the course start date for announcements and as a record of your course.
  • receive a welcome email from your instructor including instructions to access a Zoom meeting.
  • receive an email from PMI with your access key and instructions on how to access the PMI CHOICE e-learning platform.

If you have questions, contact conedadvising@sait.ca

Section Title
PMP Exam Prep
Lecture - Online Synchronous
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Oct 29, 2025 to Nov 26, 2025
Lecture - Online Synchronous
8:00AM to 12:00PM
Nov 01, 2025 to Nov 29, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee non-credit $1,885.00
Required Software
You will be provided with an access key for PMI’s e-learning platform, a Zoom link for virtual sessions and access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) platform for course announcements. Recommended Internet browsers: Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Required: internet access, functioning webcam and microphone.
Section Notes

This course comprises virtual instructor-led sessions (30 hours) and independent study (5 hours) and will be delivered virtually using Zoom, PMI e-learning platform & Brightspace(D2L). Zoom sessions run between Saturdays from 8:00am - 12:00pm and on Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

We encourage you to use your webcam and microphone to contribute to a more collaborative learning experience. 

Before or on Course Start:

You will:

  • have access to SAIT Brightspace(D2L) on the course start date for announcements and as a record of your course.
  • receive a welcome email from your instructor including instructions to access a Zoom meeting.
  • receive an email from PMI with your access key and instructions on how to access the PMI CHOICE e-learning platform.

If you have questions, contact conedadvising@sait.ca

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