8 Courses Required


Our First Class Power Engineering provides students with up to a 12-month credit instead of the 36 months of operating experience required in a power plant to write the Provincial Government exam in Alberta.

Alberta Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety will accept satisfactory completion of Part A of the First Class course as the educational requirements necessary for individuals to qualify to take their Part A First Class Exams. If outside of Alberta, you must check with your local boiler’s branch before taking this course.


This program is eligible for funding through the Canada Alberta Job Grant (CAJG).

Career Opportunities

Upon completing this course, you will be prepared for supervisor level positions as managers of large power plants and/or being the Chief Engineer of a plant of any class. You will have advanced knowledge of electrical and mechanical Power Engineering. The following tool shows the Job Market Outlook in some of these occupational groups. You can use the knowledge learned in this certificate as the stepping stone into one of these career paths.

Additional Details

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